Successful application of our SIRIUS OS product demonstrated in an IEEE publication

In collaboration with a renowned manufacturer of wind turbines, we have integrated our SIRIUS OS product into the architecture of a wind turbine as an end application. This integration was presented at the second IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence & Green Energy (ICAIGE) at the end of 2024. In the case study presented, which was carried out in cooperation with Fraunhofer IOSB, the application of SIRIUS OS on an AMD Zynq™ UltraScale+ XCZU9EG MPSoC device was demonstrated. The use case relates to low-latency, high-speed communication via a GBit Ethernet interface. SIRIUS OS provides an extension for MATLAB® Simulink® so that the models can be developed, simulated and tested entirely in the Simulink environment using the Simulink target. This enables a centralized Simulink workflow for both FPGA and CPU design (on APU and RPU cores). Thus, with SIRIUS we overcome the limitations of previous model-based design approaches for MPSoCs: SIRIUS OS enables inter-core communication, supports FreeRTOS and AXI communication between the FPGA and all APU and RPU cores as well as the application of more than one model on each of the SoC RPU and APU cores. The successful use of SIRIUS OS in a near-field example shows the promising application possibilities of SIRIUS in wind farms and other areas. Read more about our concept and the lessons learned from this case study in our recently published research paper in collaboration with Fraunhofer IOSB:

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