The fastest way to your finalized software

Model-Based Design

The Model-Based Design team offers support in MATLAB® Simulink® software development from the initial requirements to the finished software. We support our customers with root-level design, model development, software testing and continuous integration and code generation. We are an official MathWorks® partner and have expertise in various MathWorks toolboxes.

Sokratel is official

What our team offers you:

MATLAB Simulink®

Sokratel is an official MathWorks partner and our specialists have experience with various Simulink toolboxes.

Controller design

Model-Based Design offers an efficient approach for the design and modeling of control systems.

Plant Model Creation

The implemented controller models are checked by a strict software test protocol for predictive error detection in the early stages of development.

Software Testing

Early error detection through automated static and dynamic software tests with Simulink® Check™ and Simulink® Test™

Automatic Code Generation

Simulink® offers the possibility to automatically generate code for your target hardware from your Simulink® models.

Would you like to find out more?

For more information, please contact our Model-Based Design experts directly. We will be happy to help you and find individual solutions for you.

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